Tour Tempo 2: The Short Game & Beyond【電子書籍】[ John Novosel ]

Tour Tempo 2: The Short Game & Beyond【電子書籍】[ John Novosel ] Tour Tempo 2: The Short Game & Beyond【電子書籍】[ John Novosel ] Tour Tempo 2: The Short Game & Beyond【電子書籍】[ John Novosel ]

<p> <em>“Since Eisenhower took to the links, there have been two important golf instruction books: Five Fundamentals, by Ben Hogan and Herbert Warren Wind, and Tour Tempo, with John Novosel playing the Hogan role and John Garrity as Herb. TT2 is clearer yet. It’s like a wonder drug.” </em>ーMichael Bamberger, <em>Sports Illustrated</em></p> <p> The original <em>Tour Tempo</em>’s subtitle proclaimed: <em>Golf’s Last Secret Finally Revealed. </em>It was a pretty bold claim. Published in 2004 by Doubleday and written by John Novosel and <em>Sports Illustrated</em> senior writer John Garrity? Tour Tempo challenged the myths surrounding golf’s most elusive fundamental and explained how amateur golfers could dramatically improve their ball striking ー instantly? in most cases ー by copying the swing rhythm of the pros. Its main premise ー that tempo, the most important fundamental of the golf swing, can be learned quickly and easily without expensive lessons or exhaustive practice ー is now accepted by swing coaches at every level of the game.</p> <p> Now PGA tour pros including major championship winners work Tour Tempo training into their practice routines. <em>Tour Tempo</em>’s premises have been validated by an independent scientific study performed by the Departments of Physics and Biomechanics at Yale University. The Titleist Performance Institute’s 3D research data, culled from the analysis of tour-pro swings, also confirms the results of the Yale University study. TPI’s researchers concluded that “Tour Tempo is the only golf training aid that has been validated by an independent scientific study.”</p> <p> In <em>Tour Tempo 2,</em> Novosel offers scientific proof that tour players putt, chip and blast from bunkers with a consistent 2 to-1 elapsed-time ratio of backswing to forward swing. Amateurs, however, display no such consistency; they jab at the ball with arrhythmic strokes that produce skulls, shanks and “fat” shots. But now, simply by practicing to Novosel’s short-game tones, the weekend golfer can master the correct rhythm in minutes.</p> <ul> <li> <em>Got the dreaded “yips” with your putter or chipping club? TT2</em> has the cure.</li> <li> <em>Can’t hit those little knockdown shots from 40 to 60 yards? TT2</em> gives you the feel for the tournament player’s favorite stroke saver.</li> <li> <em>Terrified of greenside bunker shots? TT2</em> reveals the tempo secret that makes sand play so easy for tour pros.</li> </ul> <p> <em>Tour Tempo 2*</em> is more than a short-game tutorial. The full swing is explored in several chapters that pick up where the first book left off, while another section covers tempo trends among the pros, including an eye-opening chapter on the timing woes of Tiger Woods. <em>TT2</em> ends with a cutting-edge revelation from John Novosel Jr., who shows how you can combine physics and Tour Tempo to achieve a consistently powerful golf swing. It’s called “The Force.”</p> <p> *<em>Tour Tempo 2</em> includes a download link to the new Tour Tempo short-game tones and the videos that explain exactly how to incorporate them into your golf game.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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